Hi , Your application was submitted successfully. Please wait to receive a response from us. You will receive your travel document at the time you choose when filling out the application form. A confirmation email will be sent to your registered email address.
Please note: In some cases, additional information may be required, existing details may need clarification, or certain information may need to be reviewed by the senior government consulate if it appears suspicious. This may result in additional processing time.
If required, our representative will contact you soon for further verification and required supporting documents.
Best order status! Your application has been processed and sent to you via email. Kindly check your registered email (provided in the visa application) Inbox/junk folder for ETA (Electronic travel authorization). Kindly print this ETA; if it is positive, you can travel on this ETA. You will be required to show a hard copy or soft copy of the e-Visa authorization document upon arrival at the entry point.
Information Note:
- In some cases, e-mail messages might be categorized as “junk” or “spam” messages and sent to these folders automatically.
- If you did not receive the e-mail message that you have requested, please check your spam folder.